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Brianna is a senior at Holt High School and a sophomore at St. Charles Community College. This is her fourth year on the Drama Team for BreakDown and second year as a Drama Co-Captain. She loves volleyball, spending time on the lake, being adventurous with her family, and most importantly spending time with Jesus! Bri has loved getting to do BreakDown with her sisters, one of which is on the Dance Team this year. She is excited to see how each person on the team will grow dramatically and the fruit that will come from serving sacrificially, like Jesus. Being on this team, Bri has grown in boldness, obedience, and understanding the great commission. With this next year, Bri is excited to surrender anything getting in her way of her relationship with Jesus and to learn more about what it looks like to be a disciple of Jesus in America.

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Gabe is a high school senior in online school. Gabe likes playing volleyball with his friends and going to the gym in his free time. His first year on the team, he learned how to spread the gospel and talk to others about his faith. Going into his second year, he is hoping to grow even more in his faith and learn how to lead well.




Lily is a sophomore at Warrenton High School. This will be her second year on BreakDown STL. Lily enjoys hanging out with friends, singing (especially when it comes to worship), and being around people. She is so excited for her second year on Breakdown STL on the Drama team. Lily cannot wait for what the Lord will do, both in her life and in the lives of others!




Imagine is a sophomore in high school! This is her second year on BreakDown. She is so excited to see her growth this year! Imagine loves animals and playing sports, she enjoys doing almost anything active, and she loves the outdoors. She loves worship and hanging out with her friends! Imagine is so excited for the new relationships she will make! BreakDown STL has helped Imagine be more confident in sharing the gospel and talking to people!




Christian is a sophomore at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. He is pursuing a degree in Dietetics and Nutrition while being involved with campus ministries, most notably Cru, where he is looking forward to being a student leader this year. Christian loves going to the movies, watching pro wrestling, trying new foods and drinks, exercising, and most importantly loves His time with the Lord. Christian has known of God his entire life, but he didn’t realize how important a true relationship with Jesus was until his senior year of high school. Since then, Christian strives to be a loving servant. During his first year on Breakdown as an actor, he is excited to step outside of the box in his faith, growing in boldness.




Xander is looking forward to sharing God’s glory and exploring the art of acting! He is a freshman at Missouri Baptist University, where he will run track. This year, he would like to work on being a team player and being accountable to others. He loves his car, Susan, and takes a sick joy in running.

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Maryn is seventeen years old and a junior at Lindbergh High School. She participates in Lindbergh track and swimming. Maryn loves all things food, from trying different foods to making and cooking it! She also really enjoys the simplicity and beauty of nature. Maryn is excited to grow her relationship with God through BreakDown and grow with her team members as well! She is actively seeking community and wants to mature in her faith more than anything.

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Jake Elder is a sophomore at Francis Howell High School. God took him out of the life that he was living for himself, and now he is growing in his walk with Christ from where he first began. This year, he originally tried out to be on a volleyball team, but because he missed two days of tryouts, he didn’t make the team. Looking back, he now realizes that this was just God putting him in the spot where he wanted him to be, which just happened to be on BreakDown STL!!!

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Max is a sophomore at Francis Howell High School. It will be his first year on BreakDown on the Drama Team. In his spare time, he is involved in Boy Scouts and karate, and he likes talking to his friends. Max is so excited for the chances Breakdown STL is going to give him to learn servant leadership, spread awareness of topics many like to stray away from, and see how much BreakDown not only grows him but the community around him in faith as well!!




Brent Ritter is looking forward to growing closer to God with this group as well as getting more experience in acting and helping those who have not yet seen how good God is. He really wants to develop a more intimate relationship with the Father in prayer, worship, and community. He is a tenth grader at Central Visual and Performing Arts High School who loves watching, reviewing, and discussing film. He also loves collecting things, such as book or film series or Lego stuff he can display on a bookshelf.


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Zoë is a Lindenwood University freshman majoring in dance and exercise science and minoring in dance studio management. This is Zoë’s second year on the Dance Team and first year as Dance Team Captain. In her free time, she loves getting coffee, baking, hanging with friends and family, and going on spontaneous adventures. Being on the team has pushed Zoë out of her comfort zone, built her confidence and boldness, and strengthened her relationship with the Lord. Zoë is SO EXCITED to begin this ministry year and become even more intentional, bold, confident, and grow more relationships. She cannot wait to make an impact on the rising generation's lives. She also cannot wait to see what the Lord does in her life this year.




Katelyn Peterson is a freshman at North Point High School. She loves dance and is on the Dance Team for BreakDown STL. It is her first year on the team, and she is so excited to grow and see the ways that God will move. Katelyn also plays volleyball and is on a swim team. She is one of the FCA leaders at her high school. Katelyn loves to spend time with her family and has two older sisters and one younger sister. She loves to go outside, whether that is in the Colorado mountains, swimming, or just in her front yard. Katelyn is so excited to grow relationships and build community. She can’t wait for this year!




Spencer is a senior at Francis Howell High School and is dual-enrolling at St. Charles Community College. He is planning on pursuing a double major in Computer Science and Data Science, as well as a certificate in Cybersecurity. This is his second year on BreakDown STL and first year as Tech Team Lead and Crew Captain! He is involved with his school’s FBLA and DECA programs, and has qualified for national competition in both! He loves listening to music, programming, playing video games with friends, and collecting sneakers. Spencer is so expectant of what the Lord will do through him and hopes to grow in many areas of his life. He is so excited to step into a new leadership role that he has been presented with, and he can’t wait to see what the Lord will bring for this year!




Lexi is a sophomore at Francis Howell High School! She enjoys playing volleyball, going on trips, and hanging out with her family and friends. She loves the outdoors in the summer and winter! She enjoys snow skiing, especially with her twin brothers and her cousins. She is super excited for this year on the Tech Team for BreakDown STL! Last year, she started to gain an understanding of tech from being a Roadie, and this year, she is excited to learn even more. She hopes to make life-long friendships, impact the community, and grow in boldness in sharing the gospel!




Lily is currently a sophomore at Veritas Christian Academy (previously known as Christian High School). She couldn’t be more excited for her first year on BreakDown! She is thankful for the opportunity to be able to minister to her generation and bring hope and restoration to the lost and broken. Lily is excited to grow in a relationship with the amazing team and in confidence as a believer. She has two brothers, one being on the Peer Mobilizer Team. Lily loves to sing and serves on several worship teams, including the team for her school. She loves playing piano and loves everything music related. Lily can’t wait for a year of growth and ministry through BreakDown!


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Luke is a freshman at Parkway Central. He enjoys playing tennis with friends and family. Luke also loves listening to music, hanging out with friends, going outside, and going on roller coasters! This next year on BreakDown, he is looking forward to gaining friendships and having a fun time with the team. He wants to grow in his relationship with God, alongside with his friends on the team. BreakDown has impacted him by leading him to give his life to Jesus Christ!

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Abbi is a freshman at North Point High School. This is Abbi’s first year on BreakDown, and she is so excited to be joining the team! Abbi cannot wait for all of the ways she knows the Lord will change her life in this next season. She is looking forward to meeting all of the members on BreakDown and getting to make new relationships with them. Abbi loves to play volleyball, and she reads all of the time. She is also excited to be a part of FCA in high school. She cannot wait for what God has in store for her in this next year!





Sydney is going into her fourth year on the team, and she’s pretty hype. This will be her third year as a Peer Mobilizer, third year as Prayer Team Co-Lead, and first year as Peer Mobilizer and Outreach Co-Captain!!! Sydney loves to read, cook, dance for fun and as worship, and spend good quality time with friends and family. Syd graduated from Lindbergh High School in 2021, and, to her delight, has since been working full time as a preschool and kindergarten teacher. She would sum up her past few years on BreakDown with the following: healing, growing, empowering, joyful, GRIT-ty, and the most fun times EVER. She is so looking forward to a year full of mems and growing in community as well as laying herself down in order for King Jesus to be lifted high!!




Emma is a sophomore at Francis Howell High School. This is her second year on BreakDown and first year as a Peer Mobilizer Co-Captain!! She is beyond excited to see the new ways in which the Lord will grow her and use her this year to expand the Kingdom!! Since joining the team, she has grown in her confidence, intentionality, boldness, and passion for change in her community.  She serves as a small group leader to her favorite second graders and is involved in Student Council, her school’s Bible Study, FCA, and Life Group. Emma enjoys spending time with her family and friends. She loves loves loves being out in the sun, paddle boarding, swimming, hiking, painting, playing volleyball, and eating ice cream! As Emma is going into this year's team, she is on fire for all that God has in store for her. She is looking forward to developing more lifelong relationships and sharing the love of Jesus that she has experienced so tangibly!!

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Elijah is a third year team member. He spent two years on Drama, and this is his first year as a Peer Mobilizer and Prayer Team Co-Lead. He is a junior who attends Veritas Christian Academy (formerly known as Christian High School). He loves everything outdoors and any activity that has to do with being outside, especially fishing. He loves baseball, basketball, and being active. His experiences living in Haiti for six years have given him a passion for the lost and a heart for hurting people. He wants to grow in his ability to reach out to people on a deeper level and be a servant leader.




Joella is a junior in her second year as a Peer Mobilizer and first year as Care Team Lead. She is beyond excited to step into this year on BreakDown STL, stewarding well what her Heavenly Father has entrusted to her. Being on BreakDown has grown Joella's boldness for the Kingdom, her leadership skills, and her love and joy in and for the Lord; and this year she anticipates to grow in her intimacy with Him. Joella finds joy in playing her violin and piano and spending time with friends and family; she is all in for anything adventurous, and she absolutely delights in staring at the stars her Creator so beautifully set in place! God has planted sweet friendships in her life through BreakDown, and experiencing how He worked in her heart last year has made Joella expectant to behold the goodness of God in the path He has laid before her this year.




George is a second-year team member and a senior who does online school. George is excited to see the Lord use BreakDown this year in so many cool ways. George is also excited to see how the Lord touches hearts and changes lives forever. He is very thankful for BreakDown and its compelling impact on his walk with the Lord and life in general. George enjoys competitive travel tennis, traveling in general, going to the gym, spending time with Jesus, and playing video games.

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Devan Engelke is a nineteen year old freshman at Missouri Baptist University, and she is planning to study Christian Ministry. She’s thrilled to be a part of BreakDown, and she is super expectant that the Lord is going to move powerfully this year. BreakDown STL has already taught her multiple ways of addressing mental health issues and what loving others well looks like in her community. She loves learning new things, whether it be a new instrument or even a new language. She also loves spending time with friends and thrifting. She’s really excited for this year and excited to meet new friends!!




Logan is a first year team member on BreakDown STL. He is a homeschooled sophomore, runs track and cross country, and plays basketball. Logan enjoys hanging out with his friends, riding dirt bikes, cliff jumping, and backpacking. Having a unique opportunity to go on several mission trips, one to Uganda and the most recent trip to Kenya, has allowed him to grow in the understanding of other cultures as well as develop a love for their countries. Logan looks forward to maturing in his faith and growing to be a responsible man. He also looks forward to developing new friendships.




Reese is in tenth grade at Veritas Christian Academy, and this is her first year on BreakDown. She is looking forward to growing deeper relationships with her brothers and sisters in Christ this year. She is praying that she grows in her ability to be vulnerable with her friends, family, and mentors. Reese loves listening to country music and being with friends and family. She also loves to cheer on her classmates at school sporting events whenever she gets a chance. Reese has recently started taking voice and piano lessons in hopes to join her school's worship team one day. Reese wants to keep being intimate in her relationship with the Lord and is so excited for how BreakDown is going to grow her.





This is Ellie! She is a sophomore this year at Francis Howell High School. She is super pumped for her first year on the BreakDown STL team! Ellie plays high school tennis inside and outside of school. Besides tennis, Ellie is a part of her school’s FCA, bible study, FBLA, and DECA. She also enjoys hanging out with friends and family, especially doing adventurous activities!! Ellie is overjoyed for everything she knows the Lord and this team will show her this year! She could not be more excited to see her faith grow alongside other community members this year on and with BreakDown! The Lord has already revealed so many blessings to her this year, BreakDown STL being one of them, and Ellie couldn’t be more thrilled to have her eyes opened to the more to come. 

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